Program Overview
At MAPCO, we want each of our customers to truly have “An Outstanding Parking Experience.”
Auto-Perks is the amenity program we provide to our customers and clients to further this mission.
Customer Assistance
MAPCO commonly assists customers at our facilities with the following:
- Lost vehicle assistance.
- Jump starts for vehicles with dead batteries.
- Provide air to inflate tires.
- Provide motorist assistance.
- Lost and found.
- Call local law enforcement to assist with vehicle lock-outs.
- Call a tow truck, as needed.
- Provide directions to local businesses and hotels, as well as pass out maps of area attractions.
- Dispatch services.
- Vehicle escort service.

Our Airport Parking Rewards program enables customers to earn points that can be redeemed for free parking at their leisure- no restrictions, black-out dates, and no hassle. The more customers park at one of our convenient on- or off-airport locations, the more points they will earn! Customers can manage their accounts online, view their points and add points accumulated from pay-in-lane transactions. Click here to learn more!

We offer directional cards (free of charge to our customers) explaining how to get to the local Downtown area and major highways and interstates. Not only do we provide text directions, but on the backside of every card is an easy to navigate map. Our staff is knowledgeable about the local area and can provide customers with information of hotels, restaurants, businesses and more that are in the immediate area of our facilities. Any cashier can provide you with our directional cards, just ask!
Note: Not all programs and services are offered at every MAPCO location. Find out more about services.